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In general in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+6Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: generallyin the mainSimilar words: the general publicgenerategeneration gapgenerousmineralfuneralgenegeneticMeaning: adv. without distinction of one from others. 
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151. This book is in general good, but a chapter on foregrounding would have made it so much better.
152. In general, the examples exhibit behaviors that are more characteristic of people than of conventional computers.
153. My point is that, in general, the courts are under an injunction not to give custodial sentences to offenders under 21.
154. The disadvantage of Windows word-processors is that they, together with Windows programs in general, are very demanding of the hardware.
155. Before that time, alcohol had been in general use to deaden pain, though some sturdy souls rejected it on principle.
156. Second, that in general this means reducing the value of allowances and broadening the tax base rather than increasing marginal tax rates.
157. We are coping with this change and that, but failing to enhance our capacity to manage change in general.
158. In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements.
159. It is therefore difficult to avoid the conclusion that the effect of insurance is in general to reduce the deterrent effect of liability.
160. Firstly, he or she will have an understanding of primary care, especially clinical presentations in general practice.
161. Eating and drinking: under-eating, over-eating, poor diet in general for whatever reason - choice, ignorance, poverty. 2.
162. This unequal but in general legitimated social hierarchy had depended on a healthy capitalist economy and benign, prosperous welfare State.
163. This, then, is how the cell cycle in general seems to be controlled.
164. For direct archaeological applications, radiocarbon dating and tree-ring work are in general much more useful.
165. The argument over exactly how filmed and televised violence affects people in general is likely to go on for ever.
166. Perhaps the easiest way to begin to explain this is to consider design as a model in practice of human culture in general.
167. Pupils with physical disabilities Pupils with physical disabilities should in general have the same attainment targets and programmes of study as their peers.
168. Using both experimental studies and computer simulation(, existing theories of face recognition and learning in general will be evaluated and developed.
169. One can only speculate on the effect of long-term unemployment on vandalism, football hooliganism and the crime rate in general.
170. The weather in general was very cool at night but warm in the daytime, hence the necessity of dressing in layers.
171. In the control group all occurred in hospital diabetic clinics whereas for the prompted group 67% occurred in general practice.
171. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
172. In general, children over the age of 5 or 6 years are mostly treated by enuresis clinics.
173. On my arrival I found the lepers in general very destitute of warm clothing.
174. In general, spreads tend to average around 6 to 7 percent.
175. Wright found the condition in 1% of new patients in general medical clinics and in 5% of new patients attending gastroenterology clinics.
176. Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
177. This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general.
178. These transient colonialists dictated their needs, and the local populations in general complied.
179. In general, science policy-making institutions can not just confine their activities to provide policy directions.
180. But in general, sleeping with your boyfriend is a relatively accepted thing.
More similar words: the general publicgenerategeneration gapgenerousmineralfuneralgenegeneticenergylisteneroverallliberalfederalafter allseveralliterallyvulnerablesingerfingeroperatingsomething elsesceneagentgenrebeneathbenefitrangeangeloxygengently
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